Expediting the "running" of express logistics injects more confidence into China's economy
 2023/3/29 14:51:37

Cnr.cn Beijing March 28 news (reporter Wang Jing) "clothes, daily necessities are generally bought on the Internet, usually busy work, express site is also very convenient, a few days to. Living in Fengtai, Beijing, Ms. Zhang told CNr.cn reporters.

The volume of express delivery is a unique window to observe China's economic development. In fact, Ms. Zhang is just a typical example of many online shoppers, and reflects the boom in the delivery industry driven by the boom in e-commerce.

As of March 8, China's express delivery volume reached 20 billion this year, 72 days ahead of 2019's 20 billion, and six days ahead of 2022. The previous two months of data, logistics industry expert Zhao Xiaomin analysis, express industry is gradually recovering. With the arrival of the "May Day" golden Week, the express industry will be fully integrated into the countryside and cities, to fully help the economic development, but also to enhance the competitiveness of the express industry, for the high-quality development of the express industry to further consolidate the foundation.

The industry quickly recovered and the volume of express delivery exceeded 20 billion

As the market picks up and the economy recovers, an official of the State Post Bureau said that the volume of express delivery shows the vigorous vitality and strong driving force of the development of the express delivery industry. It also vividly illustrates the strong resilience and full potential of the Chinese consumer market, the growing size and strength of the industry, the steady improvement of service capabilities, and the continuous sound development trend.

A set of official data shows that it took 39 days for China's first 10 billion express deliveries this year, and 28 days for the second. The State Post Bureau said that the fundamentals of long-term consumer development have not changed.

In Xiamen, Fujian province, e-commerce sellers have moved their broadcast rooms into delivery warehouse distribution centers. As soon as it starts, the system prompts that the order has been successfully placed will ring constantly. After consumers take photos of the goods they like, express companies will immediately deliver the goods from the warehouse. In Changle County, Weifang City, Shandong Province, the gold medal project of modern agriculture express service and the "Internet celebrity" in the melon field has been mature and listed. The local express outlets are preparing for the transportation capacity and manpower to escort the best-selling season of honey.

The China Commodity Index (CBMI), released by the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, rose 2.4 percentage points month-on-month to 102.8 in February, the highest reading in nearly five months. In terms of supply, the commodity supply index recovered to 103.4%, up 3.8 percentage points from the previous month, reaching the highest value since March 2021. On the sales side, the commodity sales index also recovered to 102.7%, rebounding to its highest level in nearly five months.

"Since the beginning of this year, the rapid recovery of industrial operation and terminal consumption, so that the logistics industry quickly restored vitality." Analyzing various logistics data in February, Zhou Zhicheng, director of the research office of the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing and deputy secretary-general of the China Society of Logistics, said that with the recovery of commodity prices, corporate profits have been repaired and production enthusiasm is booming. "The flow of people has returned to normal, and normal production and life are guaranteed. Among them, the sales volume of steel, coal, non-ferrous metals, chemicals and automobiles all stopped falling and recovered. The sales volume of iron ore and refined oil products continued to increase and the growth rate further accelerated." Zhou Zhicheng said.

Zhou Zhicheng predicted that in March, as the weather gradually gets warmer and construction conditions improve, major projects around the country will be signed to start, and both traditional and new infrastructure will exert their power. At the same time, policies have been implemented in a favorable way, and the demand for commodities in the real estate, machinery, automobile and other industries has also been released to a certain extent.

The accelerated recovery of express delivery industry shows that consumer demand is still relatively strong

The express delivery industry, which is complementary to the development of e-commerce, keeps breaking records and becoming an important force in the new driving force of economic development. For example, in February, express delivery in Yiwu, known as the "world supermarket", was 810 million, up 39.5 percent year on year.

When night falls, Yunyi town in Yiwu, Zhejiang "three Tong One Da" and other express logistics enterprises usher in the busiest time of the day. The distribution center of each express delivery enterprise is brightly lit, the staff is orderly, and the automatic sorting equipment is accurate and efficient. According to statistics, since the beginning of this year, an average of more than 30 million express delivery every day from Yiwu to the country and around the world.

Zhao Guojun, director of the Postal Development Research Center of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, said in an exclusive interview with CNR.cn that the current growth of the express industry is a reflection of China's vigorous consumption and a testament to the resilience and vitality of the Chinese economy. "These figures show growing consumer confidence in the domestic market, increasing vitality in the consumer market and accelerating the release of potential." Zhejiang Yiwu Post Administration Office market supervision deputy director Wang Dongsheng analysis said.

Affected by the epidemic, Zhou Zhicheng said that consumers' online consumption habits are gradually forming, and online consumption gradually extends from traditional fast-moving consumer goods and clothing to all aspects of clothing, food, housing and transportation. Traditional consumer demand has been further explored, especially consumers' online demand for fresh and prepared ingredients is more common, and the demand for supporting express delivery services has maintained steady growth.

Hong Tao, director of the Institute of Business Economics at Beijing Technology and Business University, said in a recent media interview that the express delivery industry is a typical example of the rapid recovery and expansion of Chinese consumption in 2023. First, the state introduced various policies to restore and expand consumption, such as the Ministry of Commerce launched the "Year of Consumption revitalization" policies; Second, many new forms of e-commerce have been innovated in the field of e-commerce, such as instant retail, community group buying, interest e-commerce, etc., driving the rapid development of the express industry; The third is the improvement of China's express delivery network system in recent years, such as the construction of express delivery outlets in rural areas, the construction of express delivery cluster demonstration areas, and the construction of express hubs.

Zhou Zhicheng said that with the integration of online and offline consumption, various consumption platforms rely on social logistics services such as express delivery and instant delivery to better connect the surrounding food and beverage stores, community supermarkets, flower shops, pharmacies and so on, driving the community consumption further vigorous, instant logistics and other express demand to maintain rapid growth. He stressed: "In recent years, the rise of social e-commerce such as Douyin, this part of e-commerce logistics demand growth is rapid, has become a new growth highlight of express logistics."

We will tap the potential of the express delivery industry in rural areas

At present, more than 100 million express packages flow through rural areas every day, which has further opened up channels for industrial products to be sent to rural areas and agricultural products to be sent to urban areas.

Zhao Guojun said that as the construction of rural delivery logistics system is accelerated and the coverage of express delivery to villages continues to increase, the express industry will further play its role in promoting consumption upgrading and unimpeded economic cycle, and contribute to promoting the circulation of urban and rural commodities, expanding rural consumption and promoting rural revitalization.

Now, with the steady economic recovery, the express delivery industry will be more deeply integrated into the real economy, transforming into an organizer and optimizer of supply chain logistics, helping to enhance the efficiency, resilience and safety of the industrial chain and supply chain. "Logistics enterprises, especially the leading enterprises, should continue to sink into the market, extend to urban and rural areas, give full play to the advantages of the whole network, make good use of policy support, and give the rural logistics network operation tilt. We should continue to do the real end, in the local famous products quickly and efficiently into the city, to help rural revitalization to achieve multi-win." Zhou Zhicheng said.

He added that by relying on its large network coverage and strong service capability, it has gradually integrated with manufacturing, commerce and trade, and agriculture, transforming from traditional express delivery to integrated logistics and supply chain services, which further expands the market space and better serves the development of the real economy. Overall, the express delivery industry, as the epitome of modern logistics, is helping to expand domestic demand. The main task of recovering and expanding consumption is to gradually transform from a single express delivery service provider to an all-channel logistics service provider, so as to ensure the vitality of consumption and domestic demand in many aspects.

As for how to further promote the development of express delivery industry in rural areas, Zhao Guojun proposed to speed up networking, network repair, strong chain, promote comprehensive transportation infrastructure construction and standard system connectivity, especially strengthen the construction of urban and rural corridor.

The State Post Bureau said it will focus on serving the real economy, further promote the "two-in-one-out" project, deeply integrate into the industrial chain, supply chain and value chain, and continue to reduce logistics costs. In order to support the revitalization of rural industries, we will speed up the improvement of express delivery and distribution systems in counties and villages, unimpeded the two-way flow of industrial products to rural areas and agricultural products to cities, and better facilitate the flow of factors of resources between urban and rural areas.

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